Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

Classroom Image

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  4. Sahida & Jumrotin
    T = 1. Good morning/good afternoon.
    2. Work in groups of three.
    3. Put your hand up if you don't understand.
    4. Do you understand?
    TA = 1. Has everyone got a sheet of paper?
    2. Read the question.
    ST"A" = 1. Could you repeat that please? I'm sorry, i don't understand.
    2. How do you spell.., please?
    ST"B" = 1. Can you speak louder?
    2. Yes.
    ST"C" =1. Can you speak louder?
    2. Yes.

  5. Erni damayanti dan diah rahmaniah

    T -hi,good morning!good afternoon
    -look at exercise two. Can ypu read the intructions,pleasee? Keep going

    AT - has everyone got a sheet of paper?
    -work on your own
    -read the question

    ST 1- could you repeat that, pleasee? I'm sorry .I don.t understand

    ST2 -can I borrow your rubber

    ST- do you understand?
    -listen to me

  6. Syarifah Yunika dan Tuti Aulia
    T : "Hi! Hello! Good Morning! Good Afternoon! "
    "put your hand if you dont understand"
    "put your hand if you know answer"

    TA : "Has everyone got a sheet of paper! "
    "work in groups of three"
    "can i see your exercises, please? Please do the following exercise"
    "show me your work"

    St. A :"could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry, i don't understand

    St.B : "do you understand? "

    St. C : "what did you say?"

  7. Mutia Tri Rahmadanti
    Uliyah Rafiani
    T : - Good morning!
    T.a : - has everyone got a sheet paper?
    - Read the question!
    - Do you understand?
    S.a : - could you repeat that, please? I'm not understand.
    S.b : - Can you speak louder?
    S.c : - Can you write ot on the board please?

  8. Name : Baiq Rabiatul Ula 11613087 & Firmani Kurniahidayah 11613041
    Class: PGMI 2 B

    T : Good morning !
    S.123 : Morning mam.
    T.A : Has everyone got a sheet of paper
    T : Look at the excercise two. Can you read the instruction,please? Keep going. Read the next setence. Can you read this word? Match the word to the picture
    S.1 : Give me some more example,please?
    S.2 : Do you understand?
    S.3 : Have you got a pencil?

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  11. Riski & Vizza rinanda larasari
    T : - Good morning!
    - put your hand up if you dont understand.
    - do you understand?
    T.A : - Has everyone got a sheet paper?
    - Red the question!
    S."A" : - could you repet that. Please?
    - How do you spell, please?
    S."B" : -Can you speak louder?
    - yes
    S"C" : - Can you write ot on the board, please?

  12. Elwi muzaiyana & sherly febriana
    Pgmi 2B

    T : 1. Good morning/good afternoon
    2. Work in groups of three
    3. Put your hand up if you don't understand
    4. Do you understand?

    T.A : 1. Has everyone got a sheet of paper
    2. Read the question

    ST.a : 1. Could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry, I don't understand
    2. How do you spell..... Please?
    3. Yes

    ST.b : 1. what did you say?
    2. Yes

    ST.c : 1. Can you speak louder?
    2. Yes

  13. Name: Siti khotijah and Desi setia ningsih.
    Class:PGMI 2 B.

    T: Good Morning/Good Afternoon !
    TA: -Has everyone got a sheet of paper ?
    -Copy these word into your notebook!
    -Write the answer !
    St "A": Could you repeat that,please? I'm sorry, I don't understand.
    St "B": Give me some more examples,please.
    St "C": -look for the word.unjumble the sentences.

  14. Delly & Ria
    T : Hello! Good moorning!
    Good Afternoon
    TA: -Has everyone got a sheet paper ?
    - Read the question
    ST"A":- Could you repeat that pleas ? I'm sorry. I don't understand.
    - How do you spell, pleas?

    ST"B" : -Can you speak lauder ?

    ST"C" : -Do you understand ?
    - Yes

  15. Junarti Sari Kalsum dan Laila Rahmawati Fitria

    T: let's practise that again?
    TA : has everyone got a sheet of peaper?
    SA : can you speak louder?
    SB : have you got a pencil
    SC : yes

  16. ratna julita and nurlaila fajriani

    T: 1. good morning/good afternoon
    2. put your hand up if you don't understand
    3.work in groups of three

    TA:1. has everyone got a sheet of paper.
    2. work on your own
    3. read the question

    ST1. 1. could you repeat that please? i'm sorry i don't understand.

    ST2: can you speak louder?

    ST3: look for the word unjumble the sentences

  17. ratna julita and nurlaila fajriani

    T: 1. good morning/good afternoon
    2. put your hand up if you don't understand
    3.work in groups of three

    TA:1. has everyone got a sheet of paper.
    2. work on your own
    3. read the question

    ST1. 1. could you repeat that please? i'm sorry i don't understand.

    ST2: can you speak louder?

    ST3: look for the word unjumble the sentences

  18. Name: Linda n Eni
    PGMI 2B.
    T: Hello! Good morning/Good afternoon
    TA: Has everyone got a sheet of paper?
    S.1: Dou you understand?
    S.2: Could you repeat that,please? I'm sorry, I don't understand.
    S.3: can you speak louder?..
